A common phenomenon that I encounter when working with clients is what I like to call the "What-if" Syndrome. You know exactly what I mean when I say that, don't you?
"What if I need this later?"
"What if I use this for something?"
"What if I decide to make some and I need ?"
"My sister gave this to me and it makes me want to gag every time I look at it. But what if she comes to visit and notices it's gone?"
"What if I need to go hiking in the Andes and I don't have my this backpack?"
The resistance that I encounter when trying to get clients to downsize on items is something I deal with every day. A lot of us are holding on to things that we think we'll have a use for, but will probably NEVER use.
If you find yourself with a case of the What-ifs, you need to have a very stern conversation with yourself
- "Have I used this since I recieved/bought it?"
- What are the REAL chances I'll the "What-if" situation will really occur?
- Is keeping it causing me stress?
- Do I have a place to put it?
- What's the worst thing that would happen if I got rid of it and needed it later?
Clutter causes stress, especially if you're holding on to an item
hoping that you'll use it
someday. The pressure that you're putting on yourself to use the item even though you really don't want to or can't can cause stress and anxiety every time you encounter it. If you can't pinpoint someday and don't have specific plans for a random item that you haven't touched and if you say "What-if?" when you contemplate getting rid of it...it probably needs to go. If you're having a really hard time letting go of something, decide on a stuff purgatory. The Purgatory will be a place you keep items you're debating on keeping, but it's not with your regular stuff. Set a time-limit on it: 2 weeks-2 months, but no longer than that. When the time limit is up and you didn't use it...GET RID OF IT.
what if the "What-if" scenario actually occurs or Someday actually comes after you've gotten rid of the item?
It's not the end of the world. Occasionally, this happens but it's rare. Chances are, it was something you could replace. Buy or (better still) borrow whatever you needed. Enjoy the fact that you needed the item and don't mourn your old one. If you are now using your new one, chances are you'll use it a lot more than you did the one you got rid of.
Don't let the "What-ifs" and Someday keep you from getting organized!
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